A.N. Solutions Joins Technical University Dresden on a Groundbreaking Energy Saving Project
A.N. Solutions collaborates with the Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden) and the team of select technology companies on the federal “DAKORE” research project aimed to reduce the power consumption of 5G networks by up to 60%. German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) announced the allocation of 12 million euros to fund the research projects by the three finalists of the “Green ICT” innovation program. The DAKORE project was selected as one of the three finalists.

A.N. Solutions’ Expertise is Called For To Reduce Energy Consumption of 5G Networks
As a partner of the Technische Universität Dresden, A.N. Solutions GmbH wins federal funding for the “Green ICT” research program aimed at reducing the power consumption of mobile and IoT data networks by introducing adaptive hardware and AI algorithms.
Dresden, Germany – October 27, 2021 – A.N. Solutions GmbH, a leading Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) design house, today announced that it was to collaborate with the Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden) and the team of select technology companies on the “DAKORE” research project awarded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). DAKORE stands for "Data Radio Network with Adaptive Hardware and AI Optimization to Reduce Energy Consumption” in German. The project's goal is to reduce the power consumption of 5G networks by up to 60%.
The energy consumption cut will be achieved via on-demand optimization of several greatly varying performance requirements. The novelty of the approach is that, for the first time, it involves both hardware and software. From algorithms to transistor control, various parameters are dynamically adapted to changing requirements. Such a holistic approach leads to a considerable reduction of power consumption by power amplifiers in cellular base stations while maintaining a high quality of service.
“We are honored to be chosen for the project aimed at building a sustainable future,” said Mr. Thomas Lerm, CEO of A.N. Solutions GmbH. “For over ten years, we have been developing customized battery-powered sensor solutions for transportation, logistics, building and industrial automation, as well as energy management. A.N. Solutions’ engineers think out-of-the-box and use many innovative approaches such as gatewayless data aggregation using NB-IoT for the widely distributed sensor nodes. We look forward to contributing to this important initiative in the areas of NB-IoT battery-powered networks and AI optimization.”
“TU Dresden was delighted to receive this award, and our team looks forward to working with A.N. Solutions and other partner companies on making the new technology a reality,” said Professor Frank Ellinger, Head of the DAKORE Project at TU Dresden. “From climate change to the COVID-19 pandemic, the challenges abound in the twenty-first century. The proliferation of contactless systems further boosts the spread of wireless data networks that can be quite power hungry. Efforts to reduce the carbon footprint will be very important. We have assembled a very competent team and adopted a holistic approach to confront this challenge head-on and find a solution.”
As growing digitization increases the power consumption of computer networks, maintaining a low carbon footprint becomes difficult. Communications in computer systems will dominate energy consumption while computing itself remains low power. The BMBF innovation competition "Electronics for energy-saving information and communication technology" had 22 teams throughout Germany apply to help tackle this future challenge.
Ten teams from research institutions, universities, and colleges started to design correspondingly innovative research projects. The projects were each funded by the BMBF for a nine-month concept phase. Out of these ten projects, three applications were selected by the BMBF based on their relevance for the country, savings potential, level of innovation, and approach to the solution. The DAKORE project was among the three finalists that will receive funding for the implementation phase, which is three years long.
About A.N. Solutions
A.N. Solutions is a leading Internet of Things (IoT) design house specializing in concept-to-market wireless networking solutions for energy management, building automation, and other application areas demanding intelligent and reliable wireless connectivity. A.N. Solutions help OEMs and system integrators to roll out new products and flexible, scalable, secure, and resilient wireless network solutions on time and on budget with no in-house RF expertise by offering easy-to-use hardware and software components and engineering services. Ultra-sensitive IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee and Bluetooth RF modules, embedded software and development tools for Sub-1 GHz and 2.4 GHz license-free ISM bands enable quick and seamless technology implementation, customization, and integration with the existing infrastructure, such as GNSS, WLAN, and more. Headquartered in Dresden, Germany, the A.N. Solutions team possesses over ten years of experience, adhering to the spirit of innovation and “Made in Germany” quality. For more information, please visit www.an-solutions.de.
Adaptive Network Solutions GmbH
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