
November 2010

SYS TEC Electronic GmbH and A.N. Solutions GmbH Develop a New Gateway Platform to Connect CAN Devices over IEEE 802.15.4-Based Networks

SYS TEC electronic GmbH and A.N. Solutions GmbH announced today the launch of sysWORXX IEEE 802.15.4 Gateway. This off-the shelf product presents an efficient solution for enhancing the CAN and CANopen-based environment with standard IEEE 802.15.4 wireless networking technology, and facilitates customized ZigBee and 6LoWPAN solutions. The gateway will be available in two versions: with built-in internal antenna and with external antenna adapted via SMA connector.

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A.N. Solutions Announces Ultra-Small ZigBee® Module Based on Atmel’s Newest Single Chip.

A.N. Solutions, a leading system design house, announced today at the Electronica 2010 in Munich, Germany, its new @ANY2400SC IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee RF module for 2.4 GHz ISM band. With an ultra-small footprint of just over 3 square centimeters, the new module offers a best-in-class combination of exceptional receiving sensitivity and an optimal output power level in a small form factor.

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